About Us
Unlike some other golf societies we have no home base, preferring instead to play as many courses as we can. Towards the South of our part of the Costa we play El Plantio, Alicante, Font del Llop, and Alenda. Heading North, we play El Bosque and El Saler. In between, we try our luck at Bonalba, Benidorm, La Sella, and Oliva Nova.
We generally play twice a month, with a summer break during July and August. We also have teams in the Summer and Winter Costa Blanca Leagues. These give members the chance of another competitive game each month, and to represent our Society.
The Committee is responsible for making sure that the Society runs smoothly, operates efficiently, and meets all its obligations. The current Committee Members and their roles are:
Gary Stone - President
Jordan Duffy - Captain/ Competition & Handicap Secretary
Martin Oddy - Vice Captain/ League Captain/ WebMaster
John Holgate - Treasurer
Viv Bacon- Committee Member
Ray Stone - Committee Member
Tony Bowers - Committee Member
At present we have around 50 members and each game generally attracts between 20 to 24 players.
We are always looking for new players to come along and join in.​ If you wish to become a member, send an email to:
Jordan Duffy
Martin Oddy
Can play in Society games, if there are places available. A €5 supplement will apply.
We generally play a stableford competition twice a month. There are prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The winner also gets a coveted Gold Star. All members want at least one of these and to see their name on the Star Chart.
To give everyone a chance, we have two divisions based on handicap at the start of the year. And, to mix things up, we organise a number of team and pairs events.
We also have a team in the Costa Blanca League. This gives some of our Members the chance to play a competitive game against another Society.
Annually, we also have a match play knock out competition, a competition for the Captain's Trophy, and player of the year awards, based on a points earned format from their best 10 qualifying rounds of the season.
Although the emphasis is on enjoyment, all our competitions are played in accordance with the R&A Rules, and we have adopted, as far as we can, the Real Federación Española de Golf (RFEG) WHS Handicap System. To calculate and administer our society handicaps we use HandicapMaster, a leader in golf administration. Our local handicapping version of their software allows us to operate handicapping following broadly similar concepts to the WHS. It is an acceptable and recognised alternative handicapping system for Societies. A new member has to submit three scorecards from our qualifying competitions before a Society handicap is awarded. At the end of each competition the scores are entered into our database so that the results and revised handicaps can be calculated and published.
Licence to Play
​​We expect Members to obtain the appropriate Federated Licence valid in Spain. This licence grants permission to play on all the Courses on our schedule and includes the liability and accident insurance required by Royal Decree 849/1993.
Privacy Policy
​​WCGS is fully committed to compliance with the requirements of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Hit the link below to see the Society's full statement.