Jim Johnson
​1959 - 2022
Jim loved his golf. And he was a big supporter of White Coast, so much so, that he persuaded his Company, Blevins Franks, to be our sponsor. It was, and still is, a pleasure for us to play our golf wearing shirts that bear his, and their name. It's a great shame that Jim will not be able to join us. But, everytime we pull on the shirt, we will remember him, and the new driver which he tried so hard to master.
"He was a wonderful husband, father, businessman, and friend to many. He was loving and kind, and very generous. He loved his life and lived life to the full. He will live on, and never be forgotten."
Jayne Johnson.
Peter Ketteringham
1944 -2024

Peter passed away in the early hours of the 2nd April. He was just three months away from his 80th birthday. His last game with us was in May of 2023. Chris Cole and Gill Barrett played with him on that occasion.
Even though he hadn't played with us for a while, we all remember the way he played. He always looked cool with his trendy hats and sporting his own shirt. We regularly teased him about being fined for not wearing his White Coast shirt, but he would have none of it. He completed his look with a cigarillo or two during his round.
He played his golf in a friendly and relaxed way, giving the impression that he wasn't taking it too seriously. He was, but you wouldn't have known it. He was a rules guru as well. As an indicator of how seriously, and well, he played, he won three gold stars and nine silvers during his time with White Coast.